Exclusive interview with Rector M.N. Kalinkin for Hindustan Times, New Delhi, Wednesday June 3, 2009

4 июня 2009

Новости ТвГМУ

Exclusive interview with Rector M.N. Kalinkin for Hindustan Times, New Delhi, Wednesday June 3, 2009

<p> </p><p><span>Russian educational institutesare looking at India with renewed interest. With 5150 students, Indiaranks fourth among all the countries sending students to Russia and94% of the Indian students there study medicine. Here is an exclusiveinterview with Prof. Mikhail Kalinkin, Rector, Tver State Medical Academy,a front-ranking medical institute in Russia, which has the largest numberof Indian students among all educational institutions there.</span></p><p><em>click links below for more...</em><span> </span> </p>

ID:  2693

Символьный код:  exclusive-interview-with-rector-m-n-kalinkin-for-hindustan-times-new-delhi-wednesday-june-3-2009--474

Внешний код:  2693

Название:  Exclusive interview with Rector M.N. Kalinkin for Hindustan Times, New Delhi, Wednesday June 3, 2009

Сортировка:  500

Детальное описание:  <p> </p><p><span>Russian educational institutesare looking at India with renewed interest. With 5150 students, Indiaranks fourth among all the countries sending students to Russia and94% of the Indian students there study medicine. Here is an exclusiveinterview with Prof. Mikhail Kalinkin, Rector, Tver State Medical Academy,a front-ranking medical institute in Russia, which has the largest numberof Indian students among all educational institutions there.</span></p><p><em>click links below for more...</em><span> </span> </p>

Начало активности (дата):  04.06.2009 08:29:42

Начало активности (время):  04.06.2009 08:29:42

Количество показов:  33

Дата первого показа:  15.12.2024 23:01:05

Тип информационного блока:  content

ID информационного блока:  14

Символьный код информационного блока:  news

Название информационного блока:  Новости

Дата создания:  13.03.2024 17:37:57

Кем создан (ID):  1

Кем создан (имя):  (admin) Егор Котов

Дата изменения:  13.03.2024 17:37:57

Кем изменен (ID):  1

Кем изменен (имя):  (admin) Егор Котов